
From The Fan-Scary Baboon Wiki
Revision as of 21:49, 17 September 2024 by JaceDX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Welcome to the Bugs Page. This page covers every documented bug, past or present, in Scary Baboon. == Anti-Floor bug == thumb|1000x1000px|''Discord message proving that its not the SmoothSyncPun2 Script.'' There is a bug that plagues nearly every lobby, and it is game-breaking. This bug basically disables the player’s hand collision, seemingly at random times, and everyone becomes a sitting duck waiting for a monster to path to...")
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Welcome to the Bugs Page. This page covers every documented bug, past or present, in Scary Baboon.

Anti-Floor bug[edit]

File:Discord message for script.png
Discord message proving that its not the SmoothSyncPun2 Script.

There is a bug that plagues nearly every lobby, and it is game-breaking. This bug basically disables the player’s hand collision, seemingly at random times, and everyone becomes a sitting duck waiting for a monster to path to their location. The monsters are also affected by this bug. The monster’s arms float comedically behind them as they float to the nearest player. There are cases where if one were to be underneath the table in the spawn room when this bug occurs, one might fall through the floor and out of the map (example below).

File:The Lab map from below .png
Here is basically the whole Lab map from below.

This bug only started being reported after some of the newer updates came out.

Strangely enough, if this bug were to occur while a player was in the water in the pool area, one can still move around and swim as normal.

The cause of this bug is largely unknown, but it is commonly thought of to be a full-lobby issue. This could be true since it is way more common in near-full lobbies. However, this bug has been in effect in lobbies with around five players within.

File:Stuck in the floor bug 1.png
A in-game example of the bug.

Another theory is that some players in the lobby that have a "Unknown ID" is causing the issue.

Some players have even gone as to say that the game was hacked.

The increased lobby size from 20 to 37 helped with lobbies not being immediately affected by this bug, but it is still an issue, even in smaller lobbies.

Blue-Screen-Of-Jumpscares Bug[edit]

Another bug that has been seen and reported about is when you join a random lobby, sometimes the game will just jumpscare you and cause your screen to go weezer blue, this happens when you join a lobby that is frozen.

This bug is rarely documented, but this bug has happened alot of times before.

File:The Blue Screen of Jumpscares.jpg
The Blue Screen of Jumpscares without the jumpscares. Why do I hear a guitar riff?

This blue screen does NOT mean that your game has crashed, despite what a blue screen typically indicates. In one instance, I got blue-screened and got jumpscared and was relieved of the blue screen. I wasn't near any monsters though, so I'm not sure what happened.

Arm Displacement bug[edit]

This harmless bug is quite comical. It is a visual glitch in which the other player’s arms from the shoulder are displaced, usually floating to the left of a player's torso. This can happen to both arms or just one. A few instances of this bug have placed players' arms where their ears are. This can also affect the monsters as well.

Authors note:  My experience with this bug has mostly affected Fred, making him look like he hit the gym. A hilarious instance happened with MeatManFast when his arms were placed all the way at the bottom of his torso, looking like he had legs.

File:Buff man buff man.png
stop showing off tough guy

Here are some examples of this bug:

File:Bug-arm displacement example 1.png
Example of a player’s arms in the wrong place.
File:Bug-arm displacement example 3 Leggy MeatManFast.png
Possibly the funniest version of this glitch that I have encountered so far.
File:Bug-arm displacement example 2.png
Another arm bug. This player was kind enough to pose for the camera.

No arm bug?[edit]

There has been a bug that i have experienced lately, it is where you dont have any arms, and can barely move. There is zero documented instances of this issue, but this has happened to me. You are just a armless, legless, abomination.

guess who got a photo ( ᐛ )و

Mines Immortality bug[edit]

Perhaps this entry should go in a different place, but it's a bug so it's going here.

(I also have NO idea if this glitch was present back a few months ago before the maps were taken down to be revamped.)

File:Worst one by far.png
Caught By: @JaceDX. (No comment for this one.)

As of recently, the Mines map has been re-added into the game. When a player is jumpscared by either of the two monsters in the Mines, they will not die and will not respawn. No matter who the player gets jumpscared by, the gif played will always be of the Mines Entity (from my experience). The gif will forever be stuck on your screen and the jumpscare sound will loop until you either go back to the Lab or restart the game. The player is basically rendered deaf, blind, and immortal after being jumpscared. The player can still move, however, and partially see where they are going at the corners of the screen. Truly strange…

File:Bug- Mines Immortality .jpg
Example of this bug. Its absolutely chaotic when anyone gets Jumpscared.

Since the player does not die, if they were to continue to be in contact with a monster, they become an infinite(?) corpse generator, or if you prefer, a lag machine! (I have no idea why this happens, I can only guess that the monsters in this map are programmed to spawn a corpse when in contact with a player, but since the player doesn't get teleported away, that happens.)

Flung to le moon Bug[edit]

The map after getting flung to le moon

I feel like this is a rare and obscure bug, but sometimes when you respawn and someone hits you before you hit the ground, it will send you 20x the normal distance and you cant recover until like 10 minutes later. It is a really niche bug, but it still is silly since I managed to get a picture of the map before it deloaded. This bug only occurs in Fling PVP.

Fling Flight bug[edit]

This bug is new, coming with the Fling game mode. It is a classic “hold an object with physics underneath you to make you fly” glitch. You are adorned with two pink hammers, and if you position one underneath your in-game torso, you will be pushed away from the hammer, resulting in flight. It makes for some cool, but unfair recoveries from being hit by other players.

I've found that if you have long arms (in real life), or at least hold the controllers in a certain way, this bug can be done a lot easier. But I would be cautious doing this bug in packed lobbies since players will think that you are hacking or modding...

You can even reach the plane and go inside of it if you want using this bug!

Double Jump Bug[edit]

I have no idea if this one still works but I made a video on it a while ago, so here it is. https://youtu.be/rqk5EgEEkpk <--- How to do the glitch

It is basically you letting go of an object mid-air and hitting it with your other arm. Doing those steps will hopefully lead to you getting an extra jump. It may take some time to get correct, but it is one of the most useful bugs. I find it easiest using a crate, radio, or an object with a large hitbox.


(This bug is patched) In the earlier updates sometimes the monsters would just glitch out and if you die while they glitch out (or if another player dies at the same time) you would still be alive. YT Link for video: https://youtu.be/lgo5aODoXUA

Hand Tapping Bug[edit]

Bug that causes a players hand to constantly make a tapping sound when in contact with basically anything. It was more annoying than anything but thankfully it was patched from the game in the current version. Just kidding! You can still encounter this lovely bug in the mines map, but it is gone from the Lab.

Monster in Shop Glitch[edit]

(This is a presumably patched glitch.)

This glitch is pretty self-explanatory; a monster would be found in the shop area in the spawn. Despite the spawn being considered the safe zone, it doesn't grant any actual immunity. The monsters just don't detect players in the safe zone.

Here is a video recording, made by Ryblox13vr: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dk8-Jg6Ax74

Here is another recording where corpes where constantly spawning: https://youtu.be/UhEIiBcClmI?si=AGdP0S0k101lA1bS

Fling PVP Glitch[edit]

Whenever you get knocked off the map, you just keep teleporting to random parts of the the map, but never anywhere on the actual island, causing you to restart the game. You can even see people glitching in the spawn.

Sandbox Map Glitching Glitch[edit]

There was a glitch in sandbox where if you built high enough, you would combine to another map, like the lab. You could still build in there and block off the entrances. https://www.tiktok.com/@vynni.gt.vr_/video/7373794990981680430?q=scary%20baboon%20locked%20in&t=1725238750156

Video of it.

Monster Audio Glitch[edit]

Monsters like White and MeatManFast, their audios just stop working and they go silent. It's really hard to know where they're at, and they can just jumpscare you. Sometimes, the jumpscare sounds stops working also.

Glitching in staff room and respawn button not working[edit]

Whenever you die, you'll sometimes respawn in the staff room. It's usually because of where you're standing in your boundary. In case this happens, there is a respawn button in there, but it doesn't work. If you press it, you'll just respawn back in the staff room, and you can't press it anymore.

Grabbable/Cosmetic Color change Bug[edit]

File:Color glitch scarytracker.mp4
An example of the glitch with the scary tracker

The color change bug happens when a certain grabbable or cosmetic is near or touching the ground, It causes the color to change. The color turns normal when the item is removed from the ground. It's most likely just an extra light which is in the floor.

Tire Boombox Glitch[edit]

There was a VERY ANNOYING glitch where if you put a tire around a non holdable boombox, it would lag out the entire server no matter where you were. It was almost impossible to move and every server had someone doing this. Good thing it's fixed, so I don't know why i'm putting it here.

Unplayability Glitch[edit]

This glitch is presumably pretty rare, but I encountered another player with the same problem, so it counts. This glitch renders you unable to join a lobby, wither random or via input, upon entering the game. The fix is quite simple: just join Sculpt Horror (via Gamemodes) (I think that this might work with any other game mode, but Sculpt Horror is the only one I can confirm with confidence) and then join back to the lab.