Scary Baboon VR Wiki

From The Fan-Scary Baboon Wiki


  • THERE MIGHT BE A NEW MONSTER! On 9/7/24, Tect posted a picture (to the right) with the caption "dont let him catch you! creds to hazel" It's most likely a new monster, but he said that it isn't for the lab. Kryz also asked for it to be named "Fluffy" so, it could be it's official name.
  • Scary Baboon Gets A New Update Including Space comsetics and the Map being taken over by space!
  • Scary Baboon's Forest map might release soon!

Next Game Update: we don't know[edit]

Baboon photon server status: 🟢[edit]

  • 🟢 = good
  • ⚪️ = medium
  • 🔴 = offline

Recent documented outages: (nothing here)


These are the best fanarts from the baboon fanart central. (Rules: no NSFW fanart, you can take other fanrt just please credit the owner) Go to baboon fanart central