Scary Baboon (Unity)

From The Fan-Scary Baboon Wiki

Scary Baboon (Unity)[edit]

This page is explaining how scary baboon works in a sense of a unity (Game Engine) perspective.[edit]


The locomotion is based of the GT locomotion package on Github: The GT Locomotion package has not been updated in 4 years, and there is not that much of the whole thing. The package comes as a unitypackage file, (GorillaLocomotion.unitypackage) Once you install and import the package, there should be a model called (Gorilla Rig) which is VERY IMPORTANT. The package also comes with 2 scripts written in C#, that being the Player.cs and the Surface.cs. You can use the gorilla rig by just placing it down in your scene.


The multiplayer Scary Baboon uses is called PUN2. PUN2 is a multiplayer engine you can use for VR which is very easy to set up. (Photon also has a voice application as well.) To use it, you have to follow these steps.

  1. Download / Import PUN2
  2. Download / Import Photon's voice application
  3. Download and import PhotonVR through Github
  4. Sign up to a Photon Acc
  5. Press the Create A New App Button and then put the game name on unity (or whatever) and also click multiplayer game, turn the photon type to PUN2. Then create the game.
  6. Do the same thing but change the Photon Type to Voice.
  7. Copy the appid for both. (DO NOT SHARE THIS)
  8. Put the appid into the PUN2 setup manager.
  9. Change PhotonVR's (PhotonVRManagerModel's, (Place the model inside of your scene in unity)) script to have the region set to whatever region your in. (USA = US. European Union = EU)
  10. Set PUN2 App id (IN SCRIPT) to the one you copied on the website, and do the same for the Voice.
  11. Turn the Head, Left Hand, and Right Hand into the Head (Main Camera), Left hand, and Right hand on Gorilla Rig.
  12. Set default lobby limit to any you would like, (Cant go past 20 if you are using PUN2 for free).
  13. You can also change the Player Model if you want (The player model only loads in once you use wifi. That is why you have empty hands if you are not in a server in scary baboon.

Follow B.Awesome's youtube video to see how to do it. YT:


B.Awesome's YT Video:


B.Awesome's YT Video:

Rest of crap thats in Scary Baboon:[edit]

Just go to B.Awesome's YT Channel for tutorials:


Couldnt find it but here's Stella's NO CREDITS NEEDED AI:

Couldnt post it one Fandom due to text being stupid but go to her discord in the Free-Stuff Channel.