New Maps
List of Maps[edit]
Sculpt Horror[edit]

Sculpt Horror's Map is based off of a Gas Station in the Middle of a deserted area (take a wild guess why) anyways the Baboons have Repurposed the Gas Station as a Safe Zone from Monsters in the Area.
How it works:[edit]
"So you start off with no blocks to get blocks you buy them with ur rounds survived you have to survive a round of monsters which is usually 1 minute each round and the monsters break through blocks so be careful each monster does 5 damage to a block per second and if you die during a round you wont get the rounds survived."
This is part the Gamemode Hub. It is a flat-grassland with plots of land in it.
How it works:[edit]
When you enter, there are many plots for you to pick. To claim a plot, you press the green button in front of the plot. You can only build in your plot and no one else's. To build, press the trigger on one of your controllers. To get rid of a block, hold your grip on your right controller and touch the block you want to delete. You can only delete your blocks you placed and no one else's. You also have a block menu. On your right controller, press A or B (I forgot which one it is) and it will open. You have many blocks to choose from. For some reason, you run out of blocks at a certain time.
This is part of the Gamemode Hub. It is a forest which the baboons have decided to battle in.
How it works:[edit]
When you enter, you are on a platform with a button with an arrow. Press the arrow and you can select your gun. The guns are an Assault Rifle, an RPG, a Shotgun, a Sniper and a Pistol. Once you have your gun, step off of the platform and you can kill other players. You can also change your color to make teams. For some reason, all guns stop working after you die.
Tag or Infection[edit]
This is literally Gorilla Tag but in Scary Baboon. One baboon starts out as lava and has to tag other players. Simple
How it works:[edit]
look above
This map is currently being worked on and will probably come out next update.
How it works:[edit]
We have no idea yet but it is most likely an endless maze with a monster, similar to the Big Scary backrooms area.
Fling PVP[edit]
This is part of the Gamemode Hub. It released on 8/6/2024, the same day as the leak.
How it works:[edit]
In Fling PVP you have two hammers with translucent pink tops, and your goal is to hit other Baboons off the map.
It's in the spawn.
How it works:[edit]
You spawn on a skatepark and there is a spawn skateboard button. When you spawn it, you can skate around with it anywhere.
Removed Gamemodes[edit]
Battle Royale[edit]
This was like regular Battle except it had chests and was just like Fortnite. It was removed because it increased crash rates. It is probably never coming back. It was most likely repurposed into Battle of Fling PVP
This was in the lobby for a while but you couldn't join it. It was still being made but now it's not in the lobby and probably never coming back.
Other Levels[edit]
All of the other levels,(Forest, Sewers, Caves, and Hospital) are all currently being remade.
One of the many maps you can unlock by finding a lock for it. It's remaster released sometime in August 2024. Mines contains Mines Monster 1 and Mines Monster 2. Mines is a very dark map, but it wasn't always like that.
- Mines used to be really bright before all the lights were removed and it was re-added to the game.
- The mines monsters stayed relatively the same throughout the revamp.
- Most likely the last revamped level in August 2024, since the raid.
Lock location:[edit]
Up the winding stairs and at the left side of the splitting pathways.
There are also Forest, Sewers, Caves and Hospital maps, but they are all currently being remade at the time of this being written. (9-6-2024)