
From The Fan-Scary Baboon Wiki


this page is dedicated to making concepts, and anyone can come up with a concept! we will try to ask Flixzy to add them in the Offical Discord year-round. however, it may not work all the time. Flixzy may have other projects to attend to and not have time to add the concepts.

requirements: you need to say what its is and you must describe it in lots of detail and include your name (your fandom name, not your real name) and you CAN include the concepts name, but it's optional. Ex: monster: a blue monster with size similar to BlackGooGoo, and teeth like Big Larry, and makes a zombie sound -RandomUser

The Actual Concepts:[edit]

Month #1, June 2024:[edit]

Cowboy pack: This pack will include 75 gold, a cowboy vest, a cowboy hat, and a fake revolver that shoots out a tiny flag that has an explosion. -ScaryBaboonScientist

daddy: a dark green monster that has a wide triangle-like smile and has 4 legs and crawls like a spider. its noise is kinda like hissing from a cat but more distorted and loud. It's just a little smaller than BlackGooGoo -ScaryBaboonScientist

list of Lil guys: an orange lil guy that is stretched upwards. his name is Lil Dude/a cyan lil guy and his name is Lil bot, because he is blocky, almost like minecraft, but he has elbows/a yellow lil guy whose name is Lil lemon and has a lemon-shaped head -ScaryBaboonScientist

Twoberus: A monster that is two headed, which has the body of Big Larry quite spread out with Big Larry's same running style and the heads of Fred . Its audio is just the River Twygz Bed music from Super Paper Mario. -Ragtoppy1

Poolrooms: The Pool Rooms would be a new map in Scary Baboon. The lock would be light blue, and you would find it from a branch of the pool hallway.

Level one:

When you are in the map, you will be in a small room, the walls and floor will be white pool tiles, and there will be fake windows that have a sky box at them. The next bunch of rooms will be the same, except they will have different structures and have one or more pools in them. The only objects in the Poolrooms will be pool balls and food stuff. The only way you can die is if you are underwater for too long. When you drown, your corpse will be a normal baboon, but with their eyes closed.

Level two:

After exploring for a while, you will find a room that has a hole that leads down to darkness. If you jump in, you will be in level two. Level two is mostly the same as level one, but it is almost entirely flooded, so it will be much harder to traverse. It is also completely dark, and you won't get a miner hat. Instead, you can find a holdable light that will help you. There is only one monster: Spider. Spider will be mostly the same, but he will instead be a very dark green and will be smaller. He will also run a bit slower than you, so you can get away. His range will be very small, and you can survive be hiding underwater, and he won't see you. There are two special rooms, with them being a locker room with scuba gear and the hole leading to

Level three:

Level three is completely flooded, and the only structure is a small walkway connected by unclimbable chains that lead up into darkness. You will really hope you grabbed that SCUBA gear because it provides similar light to the miner's hat and allows you to breathe underwater, but it also makes you sink faster and go slower. If you fall off the walkway and there isn't another below you, you will eventually be killed by a massive monster. There is one monster: a massive angler fish called "Man Eater." Man Eater goes faster than you. The way you know when it's nearby is if you see a glowing blue light. If you do, run. The only way to escape is death. Made by Skyfish924

Volcano Map: This map is filled with volcanoes and plateaus, and even includes a whole LAVA RIVER!!! the lava does not hurt you, it's just like the water just harder to swim through. the map includes tiny creatures that represent the player but they have pure red eyes and crawl around like the Level 6 Monster in Big Scary. they also have mouths from big larry. they also are half the size of the player. they use 4 different colors. red, orange, yellow, and brown. and every minute, at least 2 volcanoes will erupt. and every 5 minutes the super big volcano will erupt sending giant asteroides and you need to avoid them, and you also need to stay away from the lava it spews out because THAT lava is dangerous. -ScaryBaboonScientist

Flashlight Grabbable: the flashlight grabbable is... well... a flashlight. not really much to say here. but there is a button on it that can turn it on and off, kinda like the umbrella button from gorilla tag. there's 3 flashlights. if you go to the taller elevator in the first left hall, when you get to the top, next to it is one of the flashlights. next, another flashlight is next to the vents where the green scary tracker, and the last one is somewhere in IKEA.

FlyTrap: A green monster with a pot on his head. He has dirt on the bottom quarter of his torso and has the head of a mutated Venus flytrap. He's similar to White and MeatMan because he's very fast. He will spawn in the area next to the Forest Lock and the Baked Beans. He makes a strange grunting noise. -NotSignedInLol

Month #2, August 2024:[edit]

Cheetos Bag: a open cheetos bag that you can Grab, this bag can spawn naturally right next to the sleeping monkey hiding watching tv (the one inside the square maze) the cheetos bag is sat leaning on the couch, what a couch surfer, am i right or am i right? ̸ (ᗒ ᗨᗕ)̿ ̿’\̵̲̿\ -JaceDX

lil guy gun :3: shoots out the little fellas walking around the lab, can be found naturally in the vents. it is designed like a slingshot with a fella on the front, also for extra ammo, you can grab the fellas and put them in the gun, once you press trigger (the trigger on the back of the oculus controller) the gun fires off about 5 baboons (or player characters) forward. -JaceDX

Space Tag: a gamemode like infection, but it has the same gravity as when underwater. you will spawn in a large space station. there will be planets around the space station. -Skyfish924