All Drama

From The Fan-Scary Baboon Wiki


Discord Raid Drama[edit]

(Massive Drama)

File:Discord raid.jpg
An image of the raid

On August 9th, 2024, Scary Baboon co-creator zvvack started to post allegations that BBG Studios was racist, sexist, etc. zvvack also told everyone that BBG studios watches child p***(he had allegations)

He also said he was gonna give everyone staff only, he did, then shortly after it got removed.

bbg said that he WOULD NOT stop making scary baboon, so no need to worry. but people may stop playing the game though.


Note: BBG does NOT have CP, and Scary Baboon is NOT being deleted.

update: the allegations have been comfirmed fake! Do not hate on bbg. Zvvack is the bad one(bro is dating a 7 yr old on discord)

Lethal Ape Allegations Drama[edit]

(Mini Drama)

Sometime in Late July 2023:

Early on in the days of Scary Baboon, it was being ACCUSED in other servers of ripping assets and stealing ideas from Lethal Ape. I don't have any images to prove this since the raid (described in detail above) wiped all the channels. Trust me, I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR A PRESERVATION OF THIS.

Wiki Vandalization Drama / The Great SB Wiki Hack Drama[edit]


(Major Drama [Major in regards to this wiki that is] )

At midnight on 8/24/2024:

An anonymous user had gotten access to edit pages of the old wiki, and he had started to spam hex code, along with the lines: "Help us" "We need you" "The Great Scary Baboon Wiki Hack Is Here" and more. Many pages, such as BlackGooGoo, White, and Big Larry were affected. Some of these pages have been fixed. The home page was also affected, which was then fixed by user Dreamygreatpasta1. This hack will forever be remembered by the community. This is a really big date for the community of the Scary Baboon Wiki.


On 8/25/24, SamIsPlayingRoblox5 posted in discussion on the new wiki saying "I found out that the vandalizer was secretly my friend Liam, which he told me by himself in a call by saying "Yo dude I just trolled an entire wiki called The Unofficial Scary Baboon Wiki." I reported this to staff and they got his main and other accounts banned. Justice has been served." This might be true.